Multi Student
Enrolling Multiple Students Used to be a Challenge
For parents, specifically, this mind blowing. You have 3 kids ages 4,6, and 9. Well it’s within reason to assume that the 9 year old and the 4 year old are going to possess different abilities. But a parent doesn’t want to bring her kids to a school 3 different times. Multi Student allows parents and guardians to preview what times and classes will work for all students at the same time. How’s that for user experience?

Turn it on, or turn it off
Multi Student isn’t a requirement. It’s available for your convenience. Your school is in control now.

Multi Student Beacons
Multi Student will appear on the ACP Class Calendar and the ACP Class Table. It uses beacons to draw a users eyes to the class that matches their specific requirements. You can change the colors to match your brand.

You Should Really Use Multi Student
Improve your users' lives by using this one simple tool.