Class Calendar
An ideal choice for schools that offer ongoing weekly classes.
Specify what iClassPro classes you want to display in this easy to use Weekly Calendar. Include one of every class page or decide where you add it. This tool is easily one of the most understandable way to show your iClassPro classes directly on your website. If you have certain classes that are shorter in duration, such as a one week class you may want to consider using our iClassPro Class Table.

Only display what you need
Select your class specs and display whichever Jackrabbit classes you want. Depending on how your classes are segmented you can choose to display a single class level or multiple levels.

Multi Student
Letting users manipulate your class calendar is simple. Just turn on Multi Student. With multi student your users can toggle between their own specs to show classes that apply to different students.

Calendar Customization
Customize the look, feel, and function of your class calendar.